the shop

Here you'll find all the things I've made for you: books, free downloads, notebooks and even a course.

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the notebooks

Did I tell you that I publish notebooks? Notebooks in which to write grocery lists, love letters, doodle, daydream, class notes, wines you'd like to try, vacations you want to remember, and maybe a few things you'd like to forget. They are minimal, thoughtful and designed to fit into a satchel or backpack. They're called ella memo, and I love them.


the books

I've written, edited and had my poetry appear in several books. All kinds really: I've written a book of (mainly) haiku, a book of science love poetry, a few anthologies of classic short stories, and a memoir. I write about love, hope, redemption and song.


the course

I created this short course when I had a immobilizing case of writer's block. It's a daily prescription of fun, without any expectation of assignments or checking in with anyone except yourself. If you have ten minutes a day, you can get unstuck.

the free downloads

A few goodies, made just for you.

the prints

Coming soon!