Erica Gerald Mason

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It's Time To Put On Your Grownup Shoes

I've either lost my mind, or come to my senses.

Despite a jam-packed schedule over the next week, I'm in for round 3 of The Small Product Lab at Gumroad. It's an intense 10-day product incubator, and at the end come hell or high water, I'm launching on October 8th. (Check out my first and second lab products on my Gumroad storefront, if you like.)

It's going to be a book of found poems, and I can't wait to share it with you. (Hint: if you like the blackout poetry on my Instagram, you will LOVE what I'm cooking up. As in, never before seen anywhere else type stuff)

It won't be easy.

Traveling. Vacation. School. The next few days will have me traveling to Tennessee, South Carolina, then back home to Georgia. But I'm doing it anyway.

I've had a family vacation planned for months. I'm doing the launch anyway.

There is a pretty kickass wine tasting event in Chattanooga, with my tickets and hotel booked and paid all the way back in July. I'm doing the Lab anyway. 

My calendar is packed with the stuff of life: doctor's appointments, school visits, and a basement which absolutely needs clearing out. I'm committed to finishing the Lab anyway.

Why? Because, even with all of the above reasons, I couldn't think of a good enough reason not to. Because there's a group of us who support each other, and the vibe is more You Can Do It instead of Do It Or You Suck. Because there will always be a fantastic reason to maintain the status quo.

And, to be completely honest, the last two times I did it....I didn't finish strong. I worked my butt off for a fantastic product, created a page on a website... then pulled my punch at the last minute. I didn't do much to let everyone know what I made, or what was under the hood. Not this time. No siree. I'm all in, 100%. I told myself: it's time to put on your grown-up shoes...lace up those suckers, and walk up to your fears...and punch each and every one of them in the eye.

It's going to be scary, beautiful, terrifying, busy, thoughtful and wonderful all at the same time. Stacked on top of each other like a layer cake. 

Whatever happens. I'm in. And I'd like to share the experience with you.

I'll take you behind the scenes and keep you updated on my progress, with a few sneak peeks, here on the blog and on Twitter.

More tomorrow.